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This is an important message from the Egg Simulator Wiki Staff. Message: Wiki staff cannot add new codes. Additionally, if a code is re-released, players may be unable to use it if they have used it before. Codes are unique phrases that can be redeemed for various rewards. Note that codes are not case-sensitive. Egg Simulator is a ROBLOX game made by wravager. The objective is to collect eggs, earn gems, hatch pets, and unlock new islands. There are over 1,000 unique pets to collect, plus trails, bags and over 50 islands to explore. In this video I show you how to get Black Eggs in Egg Farm Simulator on Roblox!! Hope it helped!!if this video gets 1000 likes ill DO MORESUBSCRIBE For More. Welcome to the Egg Farm Simulator Wiki! The best source of information about Egg Farm Simulator, written for fans, by fans. Egg farm simulator on roblox. Hatching Eggs is a common method of obtaining pets, they can be found on Islands, or on the ground and purchased using crowns or Event Currencies. Hatching an egg, players have a certain percentage of hatching each pet depending on its rarity, chances can be.
Friday Fever Utahraptor Dino Simulator Roblox Id

- game.Workspace.GameFunctions.ClientEvents.addThirst:FireServer(100)
- game.Workspace.GameFunctions.ClientEvents.EatPlant:FireServer('Fern',100)
- game.Workspace.GameFunctions.UpdateDinoDNADS:InvokeServer(50)
- while wait() do
- game.Workspace.GameFunctions.AddHealth:InvokeServer(21e8)
- game.Workspace.GameFunctions.GrowPlayer:InvokeServer()
- game.Workspace.GameFunctions.ClientEvents.ChangeDinosaur:FireServer('FULL DINOSAUR NAME')
- game.Workspace.GameFunctions.UpdateObtainedDinosDS:InvokeServer('LIMITED DINO HERE')
- game.Workspace.GameFunctions.ClientEvents.SetDaysSurvived:FireServer(666)
- game.Workspace.GameFunctions.ClientEvents.GrownDinosaur:FireServer(3)
- ------------------------
- wait(3)
- game.Workspace.GameEvents.addThirst:FireServer(1000)
- for i,v in pairs(o:GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name'DeadBody' then game.Workspace.GameEvents.EatMeat:FireServer(v,1000) end
- end
- re(game.Workspace)
- --------------------------------------------