Fnaf world adventure 2. The 2012 April Fools incidentwas an incident that occurred on April 1, 2012 that involved the compromising of the Roblox website which concluded in the website being taken offline for a brief period of time. While there was no actual hacking of the website, it was just a breach with the Roblox admin panel on the testing sites, however the incident was widely referred to as such during.
This guide contains info on how to play the game, redeem working codes and other useful info. Also you can find here all the valid Slamming Simulator (Roblox game by Next-Gen Games) codes in one updated list. After redeeming the codes you can get there are lots of incredible items and stuff. They can be used in the codes menu on the right of your screen. They can be found in StarBlasto's youtube channel. Beta - 500 coins.
Admin Badge Roblox Game
- end
- look<robux&tix>
- >tixwait3wait>
- <robuxwait3wait>
- end
- cht.scripter.guest94571
- msg.you.got.a.robux.!(value=1)
- tix.Messagee
- end
- end
- end
- end
- HereYourName! (robuxgen2014=63]
- obc.giver13(target+yourname)
- tbc.giveradmgiv(target+ROBLOXADMINISTRATOR><yourname+target+13853badge)
- upgraded.tycoonpath.<_upgrademoney=1000_>
- youngend
- end
- hackers private
- Made by guest97574 ROBLOX: FaZeOBCX/Guest97574 Twitter: FaZeOBCX
- end

Hack Roblox Games Admin
- <div ng-controller='profileUtilitiesController'>
- <h3>ROBLOX Admin Badge Snatcher<span></span></h3>
- <a ng-click='toggleContent(layoutContent.showMore)' ng-show='layoutContent.hasMoreContent'>See More</a>
- <div>
- <ul truncate=' layout-content='layoutContent' ng-class='{'badge-list-more': !layoutContent.showMore}'>
- <li ng-non-bindable='>
- <a href='https://web.roblox.com/Badges.aspx#Badge1'>
- <span></span>
- <span>Administrator</span>
- </li>
- <h3>- Get your ROBLOX Admin Badge When Completed!</h3>
- <a href='#'>Snatch Badge</a>
- </ul>
- </div>